The Department of Sociology and Social Research offers different International Mobility Programs at Partner Institutions for study and traineeship abroad. 

Erasmus for study

The Erasmus Programme allows students to spend a study period in a Partner University of the European Union and in other Extra EU countries members of the Programme.

Usefult tips for your application

  • read the Announcement and Attachment 1 of the Announcement and assess the destinations that interest you (noting the specific details about each place – language area, length of time for which scholarships are given, subject areas, etc);
  • go on to the websites of the foreign universities you are considering and take note of their academic calendars and courses.  Finding the right courses is vital for your choice and for completing the section of the application form dealing with the educational reasons for your choice;
  • participate to the annual information session and consult the International Mobility Office and the appropriate Destination Coordinator about the universities most suitable for your study program;
  • fill out the online form in good time and submit it a few days before the deadline expires. 

Traineeship abroad

The Traineeship abroad Programme of the University of Trento offers the opportunity to carry out an internship in organizations around the world in:

The Call is open throughout the year.

Double Degree

The Double Degree is a joint study programme between two or more universities that allows students to spend part of their University’s career abroad and obtain two or more Qualifications, that are recognized in the respective countries.

Double Degree Programme - Duration, scholarship, how to apply

Partner Universities for Bachelor’s degree

University Bachelor’s Degree in: Duration

KU Eichstätt-Ingolstadt, Germany

Sociology, International Studies

2 semesters
Université de Nantes, France Sociology 2 semesters


Partner Universities for Master’s degree

University Master’s Degree in: Duration

KU Eichstätt-Ingolstadt, Germany

Sociology and Social Research, Organizzazione, Società e Tecnologia 

2 semesters
Universität Bamberg, Germany Sociology and Social Research 2 semesters
Karls-Franzens-Universität Graz, Austria

Sociology and Social Research

1/2 semesters
HSE University - St. Petersburg, Russia Sociology and Social Research 2 semesters
Universitat Pompeu Fabra, Spain Sociology and Social Research 2 semesters
Tilburg University, Netherlands Sociology and Social Research 2 semesters


Bilateral Agreements

Bilateral Agreements allow students to attend courses at worldwide Extra EU Universities, who are Partners of the University of Trento according to specific Agreements. 

Bilateral Agreements Programme - Partner Universities, duration, scholarship, how to apply

Thesis research abroad

Through the Thesis research abroad Programme students have the opportunity to undertake part of their Thesis research abroad at Host Universities/Research Centre/Companies worldwide.

Thesis Research Abroad Programme - Duration, scholarship, how to apply


International Mobility Office - Social Sciences and Humanities Area
University of Trento
via Verdi, 8 - 38122 Trento (Italy)
email: mobility-ssh [at]
You can book an online appointment with on Tuesday from 3 to 4 pm and Thursday from 11 to 12 am