Welcome to the Italian Data Archive for social sciences (IDAss), a project of the Research Laboratory (LaboR) of the Department of Sociology and social research at the University of Trento. 

The aim of the project is to construct an archiving system able to guarantee that existing data in the field of the social sciences are stored, conserved, documented, indexed, catalogued and distributed to national and international scientific communities, in accordance with the model of archives in other countries.

The online IDAss catalogue is both a catalogue for the data archive and a documentation repertory. It allows both to search deposited data and to discover other data sources not available at IDAss but nevertheless - in most cases-  easily accessible. The catalogue offers useful information about the different data sources and about data access modalities.

The website is still at an experimental phase. We apologize for any inconvenience when looking up the IDAss website. 
Please, forward comments and suggestions to the following email: LaboR [at] soc.unitn.it.