Ariadna Albors Zumel

PhD student interested in advancing short-term spatiotemporal crime forecasting utilizing deep learning methodologies, coupled with the integration of supplementary data sources such as human mobility and sociodemographic indicators.

Research proposal: Spatiotemporal crime forecasting in microgeographic units using Convolutional LSTM neural networks

Supervisors: Michele Tizzoni (UniTn), Gian Maria Campedelli (FBK)

Cristina Mazzero

PhD student interested in forced migration in academic settings, international student mobility(ies), and academic freedom. I specialized in qualitative and mixed methods approaches.

Research proposal: (Un-)Bordering in Higher Education: Student Displacement and the Italian Academia

Supervisors: Ester Gallo (Unitn); Michele Rostan (Università di Pavia)

Yuxin Zhang

PhD student interested in Causal inference; Education; Political engagement; Democracy

Research proposal: Selected or learned to engage? Revisiting the role of education in political engagement

Supervisors: Moris Triventi (Unimi); Mario Quaranta (Unitn)

Irene Michelin

PhD student interested in overeducation and other types of education-job mismatch, labour market inequalities, social stratification and career mobility. I employ quantitative methods.

Research proposal: Occupational mismatch in a macro-micro comparative perspective. The crucial role of institutional setting, social origin and employers

Supervisors: Paolo Barbieri (Unitn); Raffaele Grotti (Unitn)

Giovanni Minchio

PhD student interested in gender and social inequalities in fertility, spanning from the role of social policies to that of demographic and socio-economic characteristics and contextual factors, such as the normative context and institutional arrangements.

Research proposal: Do they work? Social policies and their effects on fertility. When, where and why.

Supervisors:Stefani Scherer (Unitn); Agnese Vitali (Unitn)

Marco Tonin

PhD student interested in the interplay between human behaviour and online and physical spaces, with a focus on partisan segregation, social

Research proposal: Unequal networks: patterns and effects of social connectedness

Supervisors: Michele Tizzoni (Unitn), Bruno Lepri (FBK), Ivano Bison (Unitn)


Eder Terrin