application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.wordprocessingml.documentRichiesta di finanziamento spese viaggio-Allegato1-2023(DOCX | 125 KB)
application/pdfSpese Rimborsabili Finanz. Studenti 2023(PDF | 174 KB)

Students regularly enrolled in the department's courses of study may apply for a grant for study/research stays and visits in Italy and abroad.

Who cannot apply

Those who may not submit the application are:

  • students enrolled on single courses;
  • students participating in international programmes covered by a grant (Erasmus, Double Degree, Bilateral Agreements and other projects) awarded for the same tavel for which funding is requested;
  • students receiving a grant from the University for international mobility for thesis/final dissertation research abroad awarded for the same travel for which funding is requested.

Eligible Expenses

Eligible expenses are all documented expenses incurred between 1 January and 31 December 2024 for:

  • travel;
  • food, accommodation and urban transport (maximum € 36.16 per day);
  • subscriptions to conferences, events, training activities, etc;
  • access to libraries, exhibitions, etc.

Please note: in the case of enrolment in courses and conferences organised by Italian organisations, the authorisation must be submitted at least three weeks before the deadline for enrolment or/and payment of the fee. 
In fact, it must be verified whether the organisation providing the service issues an electronic invoice, in which case the only form of payment possible is payment from the University directly to the organisation providing the service.
For any clarifications, please contact the City Procurement and Accounts Office by email at: uff.approvv.cont.citta [at]

In the case of enrolment in a course/conference organised by a foreign Institution, or an Italian Institution which does NOT manage VAT and does NOT issue an electronic invoice, the student may pay the fee in advance and then request reimbursement from the Administration by means of an invoice made out to the University of Trento: DIPARTIMENTO DI SOCIOLOGIA E RICERCA SOCIALE - UNIVERSITÀ DEGLI STUDI DI TRENTO VIA VERDI 26 - 38122 TRENTO, P. IVA E COD. FISCAL CODE: IT00340520220 - also enclosing a copy of the payment made.

Ineligible expenses

The following expenses are not eligible:

  • travel by own car;
  • travel from the study/research location to adjacent locations not previously authorised;
  • photocopies;
  • purchase of books useful for study/research;
  • enrolment in foreign language courses;
  • visa and insurance costs;
  • medical expenses.

Types of financing

Financing may consist of reimbursement, to be disbursed upon presentation of appropriate expense documentation, for:

  • travel expenses by scheduled (second class for train or economy class for air travel) or private collective transport;
    - entrance fees to museums, libraries and the like and photocopying costs;
    - enrolment in seminars and courses;
  • a "contribution" towards living expenses, provided they are documented, up to a maximum of € 36.16 per day for a maximum of 3 consecutive months. Subsistence expenses are understood to mean, in addition to accommodation, the cost of meals and internal urban transport.

More information on the Department's criteria for calculating reimbursement of expenses can be found in the download section of this page.

How to apply

The application for a grant relating to expenses incurred or to be incurred in the calendar year 2023 must be submitted by filling in the online application form by 12 noon on Friday 8 November 2024.

The application must be accompanied by a scan of the "Request for travel expenses funding" form available in the download on this page and containing a declaration by the proposing lecturer regarding the value of the initiative and signed by the lecturer himself/herself. Please read carefully the indications on reimbursable expenses (and in particular on invoices and receipts) in the download.

Evaluation of the request and notification of the result

The request will be assessed by the Department Director and the outcome will be communicated by the Department Secretariat together with:

  • instructions on how to deliver the documentation;
  • deadline by which delivery must take place;

Disbursement of the contribution

The contribution will be paid following the submission of:

  • form "Request for reimbursement of expenses for stays and visits for study purposes" (available in the download on this page) signed by the proposing teacher in original or with digital signature.  In view of the current health emergency, in order to facilitate the signing of the document by the lecturer, arrangements can be made with the Department Secretariat;
  • expense documents (tickets, receipts, invoices, etc). Documents must be submitted in advance by email. Following evaluation, it will be indicated which documents must be received in original format.


Privacy Policy - Student Funding year 2024
Funding request for travel expenses
Request for reimbursement of expenses for stays and visits for study purposes
Reimbursable expenses Student Funding year 2024;